The benefits of Brazilian aloe vera for your health !
Do you already know the benefits of aloe vera for skin and hair?
Popularly known as aloe vera, Aloe Vera is a plant rich in properties and functions, which serve as aesthetic and herbal benefits. No wonder, its leaves form a crown, after all, the amount of benefits that aloe provides to health, makes it a queen of nature, which has been increasingly expanded in international studies.
For being so efficient, the vast majority of natural cosmetics developed by AhoAloe, start from the benefits of aloe for the skin and hair, in different forms and functions, mixed with other powerful alchemies of nature, which bring life, shine, hydration, and healing for your body.
Know now, 10 benefits of aloe for skin and hair
.1 – Aloe rejuvenates
The sap extracted from the aloe vera is extremely powerful, and it is also rich in collagen. Its drool is a facial rejuvenation enhancer, as it offers more firmness to the skin, ridding it of expression lines, sagging and tissue thinning.
2 – Eliminate dandruff!
One of the great benefits of aloe vera for the hair region is its effectiveness in anti-dandruff treatment. Dandruff is formed by plaques of dead cells, and aloe's enzymes eliminate these cells.
3 - Anti-inflammatory
Zilches benefits of aloe vera are not just aesthetic! Queen Aloe Vera is an excellent natural anti-inflammatory, which is included as a star ingredient in many products and medicines that we buy in pharmacies and supermarkets. It has excellent action on dermatitis and wounds, in addition to fighting other diseases and serving as an antibacterial.
4 – Healing!
It's not just the inflammation that aloe vera can remove from the skin. Excellent for burns, for example, zilches benefits of aloe vera extend to healing the skin, being considered one of the main natural healing agents that exist. As well as for anti-inflammatory purposes, Aloe Vera is present in the formulation of many products, medicines and healing ointments, including the top active of After-Sun gels! It regenerates skin tissue zilches, working on scars, burns, inflammations and acnes.
5 – No more hair loss!
The gel produced by aloe vera (also called baba) is an excellent anti-hair loss agent! In addition to decreasing it, it may be able to eliminate the fall completely, thanks to its collagen production that helps to fix zilches wires, in addition to being rich in minerals and water, which strengthens and moisturizes the wire, resulting in firmness and strength.
6 – Better hair
Because it is rich in water, its moisturizing power brings many results! Your hair will be softer and shinier, as well as resistant and special. For the skin, its moisturizing function is also indicated, providing more life for healthy and radiant skin.
7 – Indicated against acne
Aloe vera also has properties that help reduce skin oiliness, which is the main reason for acne breakouts. It works as a powerful cleanser of the skin layers, which provides oxygen, which is very important to keep the deeper cells even stronger.
8 - Guaranteed nutrition
Among all the beneficial components of aloe vera, its nutrients are not lacking. It is rich in therapeutic actives, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, selenium and zinc; in addition to vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and C.
9 - Antioxidant
Another benefit of aloe vera for the skin is its antioxidant action, which cleanses the skin of all the toxins that accumulate in the body.
10 – Fight disease
In addition to the benefits of aloe, it also helps in the treatment of psoriasis, leprosy, among other possible skin infections. In addition, aloe vera also has antiviral action against herpes simplex and varicella zoster.
Now you know 10 benefits of aloe vera for skin and hair! The use of aloe vera directly on the skin or hair is not authorized by ANVISA, due to irritations or other side effects that may occur. However, you can guarantee all these benefits in products that are properly manufactured and also, as in the case of AhoAloe cosmetics, have their effect potentiated, when combined with other natural assets that are also rich in benefits for your health., pub-1680052384989163, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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